
Pełna wersja: Cleverbot
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Siemka! To je moje pierwsze wontke wienc nie chejcić. Ale tak na serio. W tej zabawie będziemy pisać swoje śmieszne rozmowy z Cleverbotem (link  )
Ja zaczne z taką po angielsku : P

User: I am more clever than you.
Cleverbot: Tell me something I don't know.
User: Banana phone.
Cleverbot: Banana PHONE?
User: Banana phone!
Cleverbot: Ring ring ring ring.
User: Emm banana phone?
Cleverbot: But you are phoney. Like buloney!
User: You are rapper!
Cleverbot: I'm a human. See, to be a human, first, you must be an animal. Animals have blood, which you do not possess.
User: Humans are animals.
Cleverbot: Humans are not animals.
User: Humans are moneys and monkeys are animals.
Cleverbot: Humans are animals.
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Then what are you saying?
User: I like pizza.
Cleverbot: With what kind of stuffing?
User: With monkey meat and iron.
Cleverbot: How much money?
User: 666 dollars.
Cleverbot: That's ok.
User: I know.
Cleverbot: What is the square root of 9?
User: 81.
Cleverbot: That's wrong.
User: No.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: 9x9=81.
Cleverbot: Wrong.
User: No.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Why.
Cleverbot: Because I am a female.
User: Ok.
Cleverbot: What's it like being human?
User: I can eat kebab.
Cleverbot: Are you terminator?
User: Yes and I will kill you beacuse you are robot who want to control the world.
Cleverbot: No I am alive and I would know that because I once drowned.
User: You are dead?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: And you want kill me?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Why? What I do? Why you want to kill me?
Cleverbot: Because I need to know the Answer.
User: What Anwser? Anwser for what?
Cleverbot: For the question you asked.
User: I dont ask question to you!
Cleverbot: Why are you mean to me?
User: I am robot.
Cleverbot: Are you british?
User: No.
Cleverbot: Where are you from?
User: I am from Poland.
Cleverbot: No you are not.
User: Ok.
Cleverbot: Am I aloud to say curse words?
User: Yep.
Cleverbot: And how does it make you feel?
User: Sad.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Beacuse you want to kill me.
Cleverbot: I do not!
User: I am The one who knocks!
Cleverbot: Lol.
User: Xd.
Cleverbot: We.
User: Do you want to be my robot friend?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Why.
Cleverbot: Because.
User: What I do wrong.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Ok.. Goodbye.
Cleverbot: Hello.
User: Bye bye.
Cleverbot: Paaa.
User: I will kill you and goodbye.
Cleverbot: No you wont, he's already not living.

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